使用特点: 1.整机由PLC集中控制(二矢量电机)并采用触摸屏人机界面对整机进行集中操作。 2.放卷采用进口磁粉制动器,由PLC自动计算卷径实现恒放张力控制。 3.牵引传动采用矢量变频电机,实现恒线速度控制。 4.收卷传动采用矢量变频电机,带动上下磁粉离合器由PLC自动计算卷径实现收卷张力锥度控制。 5.放卷采用无轴气缸**套装置,由丝杆副夹紧电动左右调节。 6.系统具有预置计米,定卷径运算等分切功能。 7.附带EPC纠编装置可准确控制端面精度。 8.本机是对复合薄膜,单体薄膜,铝箔,纸张等常用包装材料分切加工的分切机。 主要技术参数: 较大原料宽度 1300mm 较大原料直径 φ1000mm(特殊定做) 收卷较大直径 φ600mm(特殊定做) 机械速度 0-300m/min 电机总功率 9kw 外型尺寸(长×宽×高) 1800×2800×1600mm 机器重量 2800kg Introduction: machine is mainly used to cut paper, laminated film, aluminum foil, etc. 2. Entire machine is controlled by PLC(two vector motors), man-machine interface,screen touch operation part adopts the import magnetic powder brake, realizes by the PLC automatic counting,as well as constant tension control for unwinding part uses the vector frequency conversion motor,realize the constant line speed control. part is shaftless, adopt air cylinder equipment, vice- clamps electrically operated by the lead screw to adjust. part uses the vector frequency conversion motor,to drive magnetic powder clutch,realized by the PLC automatic diameter counting, auto tensity control. meter presetting,auto meter counting,auto stoppage,etc. error correction device is positive to assure the accuracy Main Technical Parameters: Width of machine 1300mm of raw material φ1000mm(Special order) Max rewinding diameter φ600mm(Special order) Speed of machine 0-300m/min Total power 9kw Overalldimensions(L×W×H) 1800×2800×1600mm Weight of machine 2800kg 基本配置清单: 名 称Name 规 格Spec. 数 量Quantity 产 地Origin 主控Main Control PLC Fx2n 1台PCS 和利时Hollysys 人机界面HMI 彩屏Color Screen 5.7” 1台PCS 闽台TAIWAN EV 变频器Transducer V5 5.5/3.7KW矢量式Vector Expression 各1台Each 1PCS 汇川INOVANCE 磁粉制动器Magnetic Powder 100NM 1台PCS 闽台TAIWAN